Society Forms: Form No. 21 [Under bye-law No.38 (e) (i)] Share Transfer



Form No. 21

[Under bye-law No.38 (e) (i)]

Form of application for transfer of Shares and interest in the

Capital/Property of the Society by the Proposed Transferor

(being an individual)


The Secretary,

_______________________________________________________Co-op. Housing Society Ltd.,




  1. I/We, Shri/Shrimati ________________________________________________________________

am the member of _______________________ Co-operative Housing Society Ltd., having address
at ____________________________________________________________________________________


and holding the Share Certificate No. ___________________ for five fully paid up shares of Rupees
Fifty each, bearing distincitive numbers from ______________ to ______________ [both inclusive] and
holding the the Flat No. __________ admeasuring ______________sq.mtrs., in the building of the said
society numbered / known as ________________________________________________.

  1. I had given you notice of my intention to transfer the said shares and my interest in the
    capital/property of the society on _________________________ as required under Rule 24 (I) [b] of
    the Maharashtra Co-operative Rules, 1961 along with the consent of the proposed transferee
    Shri/Shrimati/M/s. ________________________________________________________________.
  2. I enclose herewith the application in the prescribed form for membership of the said society,
    by the proposed transferee.
  3. I remit herewith the transfer fee of Rs. 500 (Rupees Five Hundred only). I also remit herewith
    the amount of the premium of Rs. ______________ (Rupees ________________________________
    ___________________ only), as provided under bye-law no. 38 (e) (ix) of the bye-laws of the society.
  4. I state that the said shares and the interest in the capital/property of the said society have
    been held by me for a period of not less than a year.
  5. I further state that the liablities due to the said society by me, as on the date of this application,
    have been fully paid by me. I also undertake to pay the liabilities which may become due till the
    transfer application is approved by the Society.
  6. I hereby undertake to discharge any liabilities to the said society, which related to the period

of my membership with the said society and have become payable by me after cessation of my
membership due to any demand made by the local authority, Government or by any other authority
or any account, after cessation of my membership.

  1. I propose to transfer the said shares and my interest in the capital/property of the said

society on the following grounds.

(i) ________________________________________________________________________

(ii) ________________________________________________________________________

(iii) ________________________________________________________________________

  1. I furnish herewith the declaration, in the prescribed form, on ten rupee stamp paper about

non-holding of any vacant land or land with a building, in any urban agglomeration, specified under
the Urban Land (Ceiling and Regulation) Act, 1976, the area of which exceeds 500 sq.metres.

* 10. I also furnish herewith the undertaking in the prescribed from, on twenty rupees stamp paper,

about the registration of the transfer, as required under Section 269-AB of the Income-Tax Act.

  1. I request you to approve the proposed transfer and inform me accordingly.

Yours faithfully,

Place : (Signature of the Transferor)

Date :

* This undertaking is not necessary if consideration for transfer is Rs.75,00,000/- or less.

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