Redevelopment of MHADA Societies to get 2.5 FSI


By Maharashtra Bureau

1) The FSI for a new scheme on vacant lands of low Cost Housing Scheme for Economically Weaker Section, Low Income Groups and Middle Income Groups of MHADA having at least 60 percent built-up area of the tenements under EWS, LIG and MIG categories, shall be 2.50

2) For redevelopment of any existing housing scheme of MHADA, undertaken by the MHADA departmentally or jointly with societies /occupiers of buildings or housing societies/ occupiers of building or by lessees of MHADA or by developer, the FSI shall be as under.-

a) Total permissible FSI shall be maximum 2.5 on gross plot area.

b) The incentive FSI admissible against the FSI required for rehab shall be as under:-

i) In congested area, for the area upto4000 sq. m., the incentive FSI admissible will be 50 percent.

ii) In congested area, for the area above 4000 sq.m. the incentive FSI admissible will be 60 percent.

iii) In outside congested area, for the area upto 4000 sq.m, the incentive FSI admissible will be 60 percent.

iv) In outside congested area, for the area above 4000 sq.m., the incentive FSI will be 75 percent.

c) Difference between 2.5 FSI and the FSI required for “rehab + incentive” shall be shared between MHADA and Occupiers Society/ developer in the ratio of 2:1

d) In the scheme, for the land allotted for societies of MIG and HIG and developed plot allotted individually to MIG and HIG group, the permissible FSI shall be as per prevailing Development Control Regulations

3) In case of grant of NOC with additional permissible built-up area outside congested area over and above the permissible FSI as per sanctioned DCR prevailing at the time of allotment by MHADA for the purpose of undertaking Redevelopment / Utilization, MHADA shall charge premium at the rate decided by Government in Housing Department from time to time.

4) For the purpose of calculating the FSI, the entire area of the layout including development plan roads and internal roads but excluding the land under the reservation of public amenities shall be considered. Sub-division of plots will be permissible on the basis of compulsory recreational open space as in these Regulations. For low cost Housing Schemes of MHADA for EWS, LIG categories, the Regulations in the Schedule below shall apply.

5) For the purpose of this Regulation, the carpet areas for EWS, LIG or MIG tenements shall be as determined by the Government from time to time.

6) For the offsite infrastructure, MHADA shall pay to the municipal council 12.5 percent of the charges collected by MHADA for the grant of additional FSI (FSI over and above the normally permissible FSI) for the Redevelopment Schemes

7) In any Redevelopment Scheme where the Co-operative Housing Society / Developer appointed by the Co-operative Housing Society has obtained No Objection Certificate from the MHADA thereby sanctioning additional balance FSI with a consent of 70 percent of its members and where such NOC holder has made provision for alternative accommodation in the proposed building (including transit accommodation) then it shall be obligatory for all the occupiers/ members to participate in the Redevelopment Scheme and vacate the existing tenements, for the purpose of redevelopment. In case of failure to vacate the existing tenements the provisions of Section 95-A of the MHADA Act mutatis mutandis shall apply for the purpose of getting the tenements vacated from the non co-operative members

8) A corpus fund, as may be decided by MHADA, shall be created by the Developer which will remain with societies for its maintenance.


The following provisions shall be applicable only for Low Cost Housing Schemes i.e. Economically Weaker Sections and Low Income Group Housing Schemes only undertaken by Maharashtra Housing & Area Development Authority (MHADA)

1. Minimum Plot Size:-

(a)In the case of a growing house for EWS and LIG category a plot of 25 sq. m., a room of minimum size of 5.57 sq. m. (60 sq. ft) with toilet arrangement in the first phase shall be permitted. In the second phase, one room of 9.30 sq. m. (100 sq. ft.) May be allowed to be added. However, commencement and occupation certificates shall be granted initially to the first phase only and subsequent certificates for second phase issued as required.

(b)Multi-purpose rooms: – A multi-purpose room shall be allowed with size upto 12.5 sq.m. with a minimum width of 2.4 m.

(c) Cooking space (alcove) :- Provision of separate kitchen shall not be necessary. However, cooking space shall be allowed with a minimum size of 2.4 sq.m. with minimum width of 1.2m.

(d) Combined toilet: – A combined toilet shall be permitted for more than one tenement with a minimum area of 1.85 sq.m. with minimum width of one meter.

(e) Height: – The average height for a habitable room with sloping roof shall be minimum 2.5 m. with minimum height of 2 m. at the eaves. In the case of a flat roof, minimum clear height shall be 2.6 m. for a habitable room. Kitchen areas shall have minimum clear height/average height of 2.4 m. and bath and water closet (without loft) shall have a clear minimum height of 2.2 m.

(f) Plinth: – The minimum plinth height shall be 30 cm. and in areas subject to flooding the plinth shall be higher than the high flood level.

2. External walls: – 115 mm, thick external brick wall without plaster shall be permitted

3. Staircases: – Single flight staircases without landing between the two floors shall be permitted.

4. Front open space: – The front open space from roads having width of 9.14 m. and below shall be a minimum of 1.5 m for buildings with height of upto 10 m.

5. Open space (side and rear):- The distance between two ground floor structures shall be of a minimum of 4.5 m for purpose of light and ventilation of habitable rooms. In case of toilets deriving light and ventilation from open space, the distance between the two ground floor structures shall be a minimum of 1.5 m.

6. Pathways:-

The widths of pathways shall be as follows:-

(i) 1.5 m. width of pathways upto 20 m. in length;

(ii) 2.0 m. width for pathways upto 30 m. in length;

(iii) 2.5 m. width for pathways upto 40 m. in length;

(iv) 3.0 m. width for pathways upto 50 m. in length

7. Flushing cistern: – In water closets, flushing cistern shall not be essential and toilets without this provision may be permitted

8. Water closet pan size: – The water closet seat shall be of a minimum of 0.46 m. (18 inches) in length.

9. Septic tank and leaching pits (soak pits).-A septic tank shall be provided with capacity of 141.6litres (five cubic feet) per capita. Where the municipal services are likely to be available within four to five years or so, pour flush water seal latrines (NEERI type) shall be permitted where the municipal sewerage system is not available and the water table in the area is not high.

10 Convenience shopping: – Convenience Shopping as defined in these Regulations shall be permitted along layout roads with width of 12.2 m. to 18.49 m. provided that a minimum set-back of 1.5m and a minimum plot area of 25.2 sq.m is available and is provided.

11. Recreation Ground: – In the layouts, provision for recreation ground shall be on the lines prescribed in these Regulations

12. Ancillary structures: – Ancillary structures such as underground tank, overhead tank, substations etc. shall be permissible in the compulsory recreation open space subject to the condition that not more than 10 percent of such space shall be utilized for such purposes.

13. Other provisions of these regulations shall continue to be applicable for such schemes.

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