Society dispute for redevelopment not tenable in RERA

By Dr. Sanjay Chaturvedi LLB, Ph.D.

Suresh Daniel Devaral V/s United Shelters Pvt. Ltd & another (CC006000000001709) Order dated: 3rd January 2018

The Complainants in their complaint have stated that they are the members of a Co-Operative Housing Society which is taken up for redevelopment by the Builder. The Complainants alleged that Respondent 2 has appointed the builder without following the procedures as mandated by law. The Complainants further alleged disputes between them and the Managing Committee members of the said Cooperative Housing Society.

Maha RERA Observed: On the basis of arguments by Complainants, it is evident that the dispute is between the Complainants i.e. some member of the Cooperative Housing Society and the Respondents which are the Promoter and the Cooperative Housing Society (Landowner). The Complainants have not been able to point out any contravention or violation of the provisions of the Real Estate (Regulation and Development) Act, 2015 or the rules or regulations made there under. MaIa RERA is not the proper forum to resolve the above mentioned issues, raised by the Complainants. The Complainants dismissed.

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