Repair Permission in Mumbai


             In earlier two chapters, the information on i) Why Building deteriorates and become weak and ii)  Maintenance of Structures with Do’s & Dont’s, is provided. It is also necessary to know regarding the nature of Repairs and its permissions required from the local civic authority thereof. One should understand that timely repairs only, can keep buildings in healthy conditions. It is seen that largely the repairs are ignored and delayed for this or that reason, or some time due to abnormal delay in granting permissions by the local municipal authority.


However such permissions are based on the nature of repairs. It is also noticed that, some time people are carrying out the work of additions or alterations under the disguise of repairs and ultimately land in to troubles. Repairs amounting to structural changes or additions or alterations requires regular permissions with scrutiny and procedures, which are inevitable and are always in the interest of the applicant.


Very few people know that certain type of repairs do not require permissions from the Corporation. The nature of repairs and its permissions are described below. The Municipal Corporation of Gr. Mumbai has prepared following guide lines for the information of public. The repairs are classified in three categories:-


i)        Repairs where permission is NOT required from M.C.G.M.

ii)        Repairs prohibited.

iii)                Repairs which REQUIRE permissions from M.C.G.M



Following repairs do not require permission from M.C.G.M.:-

i)                    Providing guniting to structural members or walls.

ii)                  Plastering, pointing, and Painting.

iii)                Changing of floor tiles.

iv)                Repairing of W.C., Bath, Toilets and Washing places.

v)                  Repairing or replacing of drainage pipe joints, taps, manholes and other sanitary fittings.

vi)                Repairing or replacing of sanitary/water, plumbing, and electrical service lines.

vii)              Repairing and or replacement of roof with same material.


2)                  REPAIRS  PROHIBITED


Certain repairs are prohibited which are detrimental to the structural

stability of the building. So, never attempt following, unless same is permitted by

the authority.

i)                    Lowering of plinth.

ii)                  Removal of load bearing walls.

iii)                Constructions of Lofts / Mezzanine floors supported on partition walls which are not load bearing walls.



Repairs involving the removal, alteration or re-erection of any part of the building covered under section 342 of M M C Act, permission from M.C.G.M. is required to be taken, such as for: –


i)                    Changes in horizontal and vertical existing dimensions of the structure, and thereby increase in area.

ii)                  Replacement of any structural R.C.C. member such as colums, beams etc and load bearing walls.

iii)                Construction / extension of mezzanine floor / loft.

iv)                Flattening of roof in R.C.C. or repairing and replacing of roof with different materials.

v)                  Enclosure of balcony.



Wherever the permissions are required from M.C.G.M. as listed in item

(3) above, the applicant has to apply to the appropriate civic authority

of the Corporation along with the documents as stated hereunder:-


Owner / Occupier shall: –


i)                    Appoint a registered Structural Engineer, and Architect under whose supervision the work will be carried out.

ii)                  Submit the application for permission to the concerned officer in format through the registered structural engineer, architect so appointed.

iii)                Submit the following documents along with the application:-


  1. Supervision memo from the structural engineer, & architect.
  2. N.O.C. from the Society / Owner, for proposed work.
  3. Copy of the last property tax assessment bill paid.
  4. Copy of the licence, factory permit etc., in case of industrial premises.
  5. Plan showing the details of proposed repairs, additions or alterations.

f.          Certificate from the structural engineer to the effect that proposed work does not affect the structural stability of the building.



Note:-  On completion of the work the applicant has to submit the completion certificate from the structural engineer and architect appointed.



If application is submitted with all required documents and the same is in order, the concern officer of the Corporation has to issue such permissions within 30 days, which is a mandatory time limit.


Please note that such permission does not empower you to carry out the work in an unauthorised premises / portions, nor does it construe authorisation of the premises in which such work is to be carried out.




Nature Of Work Officer authorised to grant permission
i)          Construction of mezzanine floor  


Executive Engineer

(Building Proposal)

of respective zone

of The M.C.G.M.


ii)         Replacement of structural members
iii)        Change in horizontal and vertical            existing dimensions, resulting             increase in area.
iv)       Flattening of roof in R.C.C. orrepairing & replacing roof in

different materials

i)          Construction of lofts.

Assistant Engineer

(Buildings & Factories)

of the respective Ward

Office with approval of

concerned Execute

Engineer (Special)

ii)         Enclosure of Balcony & itsmerger in the adjoing room.
iii)        Interior decoration worksinvolving  changes, without

replacement of any structural



  1. 7.      DONT’S:


As a precautionary measures, remember again, following Dont’s:-

a)   Do not carry out any unauthorised additions there by over loading

existing  structure for which it is not designed.


b)      Do not make any internal changes / alterations, specifically change in positions

of toilet blocks or kitchens. The same should be maintained in alignment with other floors.


c)      Do not try extensions of wet areas over dry areas.


d)     Do not tolerate any leakages, attend immediately


e)      Do not carry out additions and alterations if the same are not approved from the municipal authority, architect & structural engineer.


f)       Do not carry out such works without advice and supervision of qualified & experienced architect, structural engineer and contractor.


g)      Do not carry out any work of repairs or additions & alterations by petty contractors.


h)      Do not carry out following works unless backed by professional engineering support as described in item (f) above:-


i)    Replacement of floor finish.

ii)   Repairs of internal, external plastering, and R.C.C. members.

iii)  Any modifications to existing plan, according to which the building exits.

iv)  Toilet or Kitchen renovations.

v)   Structural alterations required for interior designing & decoration.

vi)  Any R.C.C. repairs which involves use of steel, cement, sand & stone/metal.


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