No NOC required from Registrar to put up Plan for Approvals in Mumbai for redevelopment

Section 18 of MCS Act

By Legal Bureau

It was in 2013, Mumbai Municipal Corporation had decided to have Registrar of Co-operative Housing Society’s NOC for putting up plan for approval to MCGM. The following is the text of the circular for the same :

No.P.A.406323/V.N./ General. Dt.15.04.2013
Subj: Obtaining prior permission for redevelopment of Co-operative Housing Society from Dy./ Asst. Registrar.
Co-operative Marketing & Textile Division, Govt. Of Maharashtra has issued a directive no.SAGRUYO 2007/ Case no.554/14(S) dated 03.01.2009 regarding redevelopment of Co-operative Housing Society building/s. In this directive redevelopment guidelines have been provided. (Refer Sr.3 to 18) Desk Officer, Co- operative Marketing & Textile Division in his corrigendum dated 19.10.2011 to directive no.SAGRUYO 2007/case no.554/14(S) dated 03.01.2009 has specified, local authority should obtain prior permission from respective Dy./ Asst. Registrar for redevelopment project.
Incidentally, that at the time of submitting proposal for redevelopment of Co- operative Housing Society building/s, it is hereby made mandatory to verify certificate obtained from respective Dy./ Asst. Registrar that the redevelopment guidelines provided in directive issued by Co-operative Marketing & Textile Division, Govt. Of Maharashtra vide directive no.SAGRUYO 2007/ Case no.554/14(S) dated 03.01.2009 and corrigendum dated 19.10.2011 to directive no. SAGRUYO 2007/ case no.554/14(S) dated 03.01.2009, have been complied.
Sd/- Chief Engineer (Development & Planning)
Sd/- Commissioner (M.C.G.M.)


Now MCGM have on 23rd Nov 2015 have withdrawn the above said letter.

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Meet Patel
January 8, 2016 4:30 pm

Dear sir I would to like know that I was sold my flat in Ahmedabad , I was informed earlier to society committee but. at that time society not responding denied every time. I was also arrange to meeting with buyer. , society also not accepted my application for NOC and No sues. Now society register complain to Sub Reg office Ahemdabad. I was sold my flat with out information and after sold my flat I was send all copy wide Reg AD. also claim that we missguide to society and Society appeal to Sub Reg office for cancel reg agreement. Pls suggest …

February 10, 2016 7:36 pm

can you upload the circular.

February 16, 2016 9:58 am

Can i get a copy of the circular.

February 24, 2016 1:59 pm

can you please email me the copy of the circular.

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