No confidence motion against office bearers

By Legal Bureau

Office bearers of the society who hold office by virtue of his election to that office shall cease to be an office bearer of the society if a motion of no confidence is passed at a meeting of a committee members. The requisition for calling such special meeting should be signed by atleast 1/3 of the members of the committee. A copy of the said requisition should also be delivered to the registrar.
Such requisition can be made only after the particular office bearer against whom the no confidence motion is proposed has been in office for a period of at least six months. The Registrar must within a period of seven days from the date of receipt of the requisition convene a special meeting of the committee. The said meeting must be held within a period of 15 days from the date of issue of the notice of the meeting. In such meeting the registrar or an officer not below the rank of Astt. Registrar should preside over the meeting. The presiding officer will have all the powers of the President or Chairman when presiding over the Committee meeting except that of the right to vote as such meeting.
It needs to be emphasised that such a meeting cannot be adjourned. The name of the committee members voting for and against the motion shall be read in the meeting and shall be recorded in the minute book of the committee meeting. If the motion of no-confidence is rejected a fresh motion of no-confidence cannot be brought against the particular office bearer within a period of six months from the date of rejection of such a motion.

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