Society Forms: Form No 25, [Under the Bye-law No.38(e)(xi)] Self Declaration
On a HUNDRED Rupee Stamp paper
[Under the Bye-law No.38(e)(xi)]
Form No. 25
A Form of Declaration for not holding immovable property
in any Urban Agglomeration, specified under the
Urban Land (Ceiling and Regulation) Act. 1976,
exceeding 500 sq.metres.
(To be given by the Transferor)
I/We, Shri./Shrimati.Messrs
_________________________________________________ a member of the ____________________________________ Co-operative Housing
Society Ltd. at _______________________ holding Flat No. _________________
having _____________________ sq.metres area, in the building of the society, and intending to
transfer it to Shri/Smt. _________________
_____________________________________________ intending member of the society, hereby declare that I/We do not hold any vacant land or land with
a building thereon, anywhere in any urban agglomeration, mentioned in the Urban land
(Ceiling and Regulation) Act, 1976, the area of which exceeds 500 sq.metres.
Place :
Date :
Signature of the Transferor-Member