Procedure for registrar to bring defect to notice of society in Maharashtra

By Legal Bureau

The procedures for the Registrar to bring defect, disclosed in inquiry or inspection to notice of the society is as follows:

  1. In case, the result of any inquiry held under Section 83 of the Maharashtra Cooperative Society Act or an inspection made under Section 84 of the Maharashtra Cooperative Society Act, discloses any defect in the constitution, working or financial condition or the books of society, the Registrar may bring such defect to the notice of the society.
  2. The cooperative housing society concerned may, within sixty days from the date of any order, as may be made by the Registrar, under the foregoing subsection, appeal against it to the state government.
  3. The state government may, in deciding the appeal, annul, reverse, modify or confirm the order of the Registrar.
  4. If a cooperative housing society fails to rectify the defects disclosed in the course of or as a result of an audit, under Section 81 of the Maharashtra Cooperative Societies Act or fails to rectify the defects, as directed by the Registrar and where, no appeal has been made to the state government, within the time specified in order or whereon the appeal, so made to the state government has not been annulled, reversed or modified the order, the Registrar may himself, take steps to have the defects rectified and may recover the cost from the officer or officers of the society, who, in his opinion, has or have failed to rectify the defects.
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