Issue of duplicate certificate in housing societies

By Legal Bureau

Issue of duplicate certificate
If any application is received by the managing committee for issue of duplicate share certificate the managing committee has to insist on the member to give undertaking.
The co-operative housing societies has to follow the procedure laid down in the Act, Rules or bye-law and not to go according to the provisions of Companies Act, while issuing duplicate share certificate.
Undertaking should be given by a member of co-op. Housing society on five Rupees stamp paper.

1. I, Shri./Smt………the member of the ………..Co.op.Housing Society Ltd. at………hereby solemnly declare that I had purchased FIVE SHARES of Rs. FIFTY each of the above mentioned society bearing Nos….to……… I hereby further declare that the share certificate No………dated………for the above said Five Shares issued to me by the said society has been lost, mislaid or is not traceable.
2. I hereby further state that I have not transferred the said share certificate to any other person/Persons nor created any charge or mortgage on it in favour of any Bank, Financing Agency, Employer or any other person or persons.
3. I hereby further solemnly declare and undertake to agree to indemnity or keep the society indemnified against any risk as to damages, costs and consequences arising out of any legal proceedings started against me as a result of my unlawful dealing with the said share certificate, in which the society would be involved.
4. I hereby undertake to surrender the original share certificate to the society, if traced subsequently.

Place :
Date : Signature of the Member
Name of the witnesses with their address
1. Signature of witness
2. Signature of witness

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Durgadas Menon
Durgadas Menon
November 2, 2009 9:49 am

Thanks for the information.

Once we give this in writing to Chairman what is the procedure that the he has to follow? or is it that he just has to issue a certificate?

Please let me know as I am stuck in this situation

– Das

July 29, 2010 6:36 pm

My Society is asking for (i) Police FIR (ii)Advertisement in prominent English and Marathi daily (iii) Indemnity Bond on appropriate stamp paper and also make reference to Housing Times for any other requirement. Are they not being unhelpful?

December 28, 2010 7:48 pm

What to do in case the holder of the share certificate has deceased and share certificate is also lost? How to get the duplicate share certificate in that case when you have been given membership of the society?

barkat surve
barkat surve
March 19, 2011 2:42 pm

what is the procedure if someone from society lost the share certificate and ask for new one or duplicate

February 20, 2012 4:39 pm


what is the procedure if someone from society lost the share certificate and ask for new one or duplicate

June 2, 2012 5:46 pm

what is the procedure for issuing duplicate share certificate to member of cooperative housing society,who have lost his share certificate and applied for duplicate share certificate. please let me know the procedure, 
chairman of the society

edwin alphonso
edwin alphonso
November 3, 2012 7:15 pm

if the share certificate is laminated stating that it is an original then should a duplicate be issued without following due procedure. awaiting reply

Mohsin Patel
February 14, 2013 12:36 am

Dear Society members,
If you have Lost/misplaced your society share certificate and wish to place it in 2 newspapers than we publish your ads in 2 newspapers one english & one regional starting from 890/- onwards.
call us on 022-23734638 / 23708196 / 9821566223

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