Maharashtra Society Forms: Form 4, [Under the Bye-law Nos.17(b) and 19 (A) (vi)] New Member

On a Hundred Rupee Stamp paper



Form No. – 4

[Under the Bye-law Nos.17(b) and 19 (A) (vi)]

The Form of Undertaking to be furnished by the Prospective member,

to use the flat for the purpose for which it is allotted.

I/We Shri/Shrimati _________________________________________________________________


presently residing/having address at ______________________________________________,


member/intending member of the ______________________________________________________
Co-operative Housing Society Ltd.,Proposed * Registered,
having its address at _____________________________________________ hereby give the

undertaking that I/We will use the flat allotted to me / us / proposed to be acquired by me/us
on cessation of membership of the earlier member under the bye-law of the society for the purpose
mentioned in the letter which will be issued under bye-law No. 76 (a) of the bye-law of the society
proposed /registered.

I/We further give the undertaking that no change of user will be made by me/us without the
previous permission in writing of the committee of the society.


Place :

Date :

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