Builders cannot charge Transfer fees

By Legal Bureau

Section 10 of the Maharashtra Ownership flats (Regulations of the Provisions of Construction Sale, Management and Transfer) Act makes it obligatory on Promoter (Builder to submit proposal for registration of a Co-operative Housing Society, within a period of four months from the date on which the minimum number of members required to form such a society have purchased the flats. Yes, a Co-operative Society can be formed even if the builder does not co-operative. In such a situation a notice should be issued to the builder. A copy of such notice has also to be sent to the Dy.Registrar / Asstt. Registrar of the concerned ward with a request to call upon the builder to explain his stand on the above and matter. The minimum number of members required to form a Co-operative Society is ten. However societies can be formed with less than ten members after obtaining the permission from the Competent Authority. The Government’s Agriculture & Co-operation Department has by its Circular No. CCSH-C079-36997-1289-4c dated 01-03-1980 laid down the criteria or exempting Co-operative Housing Societies with less than ten members. The consent of a minimum of 60% of the total number of flat purchasers is required to form a Co-operative Housing Society.

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rahul shelake
rahul shelake
June 9, 2016 11:34 pm

If any one have copy of Agriculture & Co-operation Department Circular No. CCSH-C079-36997-1289-4c dated 01-03-1980 please send me….
I want that circular

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